Saturday, March 7, 2009

Like a Mosh in my Bowel

I dont know. Nick Santino just said that on Stickam. It's almost 12 and I'm tired as fuck. I am very sad that I have to go to bed, and I can't creep John Oh tonight. Damnit.

This was mad short but my mother is yelling at me so luv yah bye :*

Sunday, December 28, 2008

A Bit of A Rant

I know I said I would try not to be bitchy on this, but a certain someone is really pissing me off.

Dear you,
I don't even know how to start this. You bitch and complain about how horrible your life is ALL THE TIME. We try and just play it off as a cry for attention, seeing as you apparently don't get noticed at home very often. Through the years, we've sat and listened to your complaints, we've given you the attention you so crave for, and yet you still complain. Yesterday, we even tried to get through to you and see what was really going on. But you just acted immature and totally pushed us away. Well you know what? Fuck you. I'm done with your bullshit. Your puny cries for attention have gone a little too far, and I'm through with putting up with them. I think I speak for me and her when I say that we aren't going to even bother with you anymore. We tried, and you just acted stupid. That was your last chance and you blew it. Sucks.

Katlyn Godfrey.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Xmas Eve/Random Ramblings

Good morning! So Christmas is tomorrow...I don't really care, because we opened presents last weekend. My brothers went to visit their mom in Florida on Sunday, so we opened gifts on Saturday in order to have everyone together. It was cool, I got a new camera! We also got the Wii, which I will probably be playing later on.

Today is kind of a lazy day for me, my mom is upstairs sleeping (I wish I could be sleeping right now), and I'm just downstairs chilling on the computer. I might take some pictures later, but it's pretty crappy outside right now. I really hope the rain doesn't melt all the snow! We haven't had a white Christmas in a long time. The last one I can remember is when I lived in North Salem, and my parents were still together. I'm really glad that my parents still love each other, unlike most divorced parents. It's obviously not the kind of love that drove them to get married and eventually have me, but it's the kind of love where they tell themselves, "Alright, we made this child together, she is a part of both of our lives now, so we need to make her life as wonderful as possible". People ask me if it's awkward when my dad comes over for family dinners. I say no, because my parents did not divorce out of hate or aggravation. They divorced because it just wasn't working out, and they knew that if they continued to be together, it would just lead to arguments and screaming and just general instability in our home. This obviously worked, because I have two loving parents who would give the world for me and each other.

I was just thinking about this, so I'm going to state my opinions: Internet Friends. You know, like people you meet on forums and such? I'm not talking about Myspace, because chances are, if you meet someone directly from Myspace, they are a total creeper. Not saying everyone is, but Myspace is just full of them. I'm talking about people that you meet somewhere where everyone shares a common interest. I have a ton of them, and I love them to death. Now, my problem is, when people start to like their online friends more than their friends in real life. No matter how much you love someone online, your real friends should come first. I'm not saying that you should totally blow off your online friends, but your friends offline are more important.

Now, as for the people that say you shouldn't talk to people from other states/countries/whatever, that is a load of bullshit. It's great to talk to people from somewhere other than the place you live. It gives you an idea of just how unique the world is. It lets you see the parts of places that you never knew before. For example, Nevada. Most people, when they think of Nevada, think of Vegas, right? Not me. I think of a quaint little town outside of Reno called Sparks. Also, I've learned how to pronounce Nevada correctly (it's NE-VA-DAH, not NE-VAH-DUH).

Hmm, I think that's enough for one blog post.


Tuesday, December 23, 2008

First Post :D

So...hello everyone. I just decided to make a blog because, well, everyone else made one. I went with the trend, so sue me. I've done it a few times in the past, most of which regrettably, but maybe this will be one of the better times. On this blog, I'll try not to complain, or bitch, or moan, but rather just get out how I'm feeling or whatever happens to be on my mind at the moment. Maybe I'll try to be entertaining. I'm a very genuine and lighthearted person, so laughing comes naturally to me. Laughter is what keeps me going. Without it, I would never enjoy anything. I would always take things personally, because it would be impossible for me to laugh at myself. Sharing laughter is the best, though; whether it's with friends or with family or even complete strangers, laughter brings anyone and everyone closer together.

A pretty short post, but I need to get to bed. I'll probably post something longer and more in-depth tomorrow morning.